Sunday, April 23, 2017

My Scrapbook Tumblr

Oh, I have been collecting whatever ideas catch my fancy at what I think of as my scrapbook. I tend to go through phases: for awhile there I was collecting riding coat inspiration, and there's been a lot of vintage dresses recently. It's worth a look.

The Pink Dress

I wanted, my whole life, a pink dress. And somehow I never had one. So I decided that I was going to make a pink dress. A really nifty one, too. I was going to make this one:
The pink fabric was a nice grown-up fabric. It's amazing how many child-centric prints there are, and even if it's just a neutral pattern, there's a baby-pink colour that still remains inappropriate for adult clothing. But I found a beauty.

Well that was a long break

Right! It's been some time since I posted. Lots to catch up on. Firstly I have learned that closework like sewing and knitting is a bit tricky when you're feeling sick with pregnancy. And then you have a baby and there's no time for it at all. :/ But I've got some updates from the last few years and I'll be putting them to paper!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Vintage Pattern Collection

One of the things I've quietly been doing in the background is collecting old patterns from the 40's, 50's, and 60's. Mostly the 50's, though, as I just love the full-skirted look. I have a small collection at the moment. I keep changing my mind about which one I'll make up first. Advance 7011: this one I bought because of the neat faux-bolero.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pirate Shirts are Big

Well, I finished the construction of the shirt from Simplicity 4923, the pirate costume. As I mentioned earlier, it was a very simple shirt, and I made it difficult for myself by deciding to embroider it.

It uses a dropped shoulder as a feature, and unfortunately they accomplish this by making the main torso section huge. They could have chosen a yoke, like the style of Simplicity 3519, and had the torso fit more comfortably.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yarr...It be a Puffy Shirt

So, I have begun the construction of the pirate shirt I promised Jon for last year's pirate fest, and then last year's halloween. :/

In actual fact, it's a very straightforward shirt: I could finish it in an evening.
So, naturally, I decided to embroider the cuffs and neckline.

I'll have to get a better picture later. But long story short, I make life difficult for myself.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Oh, ruffles...

So, when I bought a whole bunch of eyelet trim for the farthingale, I thought I had enough. Nowhere near. So I went out to buy another 15 metres or so.

Well, I couldn't find it at the local Fabricland, nor the nearest three, nor the huge one on Ottawa street. It turns out they've discontinued it! And, moreover, the company that makes it has been acquired by another, and they don't really exist anymore!

I happened to get the one employee from the old company on the phone, and she knew what I was talking about, and found me some old stock buried in the warehouse somewhere. I had to buy a lot of it, though.

It's just my luck that the trim I base a whole article of clothing on goes discontinued just in time for all stock to run out at the time I've discovered I need more.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

An Underbust Corset

I was quite inspired by the new corset pattern by King and Company. I decided that I wanted to make up a quick underbust to add to a basic deep green satin dress to make an old-fashioned Snow White costume for halloween. Guess what didn't happen?